My Travel blog

Tips, Trips, and Stories From My Worldly Travels
Why you should travel solo at least once in your lifetime!

Why you should travel solo at least once in your lifetime!

To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the most pleasant feelings in the world. Even thinking about the idea, gives me a thrill of its own. From the time I first traveled solo just because I did not want to wait for anyone else to plan my travel, to now,...

My Valentine’s Date: Harvard University, Boston (Part 2)

My Valentine’s Date: Harvard University, Boston (Part 2)

The Valentine’s Day didn’t mark the end of my trip but gave it just a memorable start. After having those hefty realizations of creating an impact, I moved towards creating an impact on my bucket list. Thus, Dhruv and I went to try the famous hot chocolate of La...

My Valentine’s Date: Harvard University, Boston

My Valentine’s Date: Harvard University, Boston

What did you do on 14th February 2020, Valentine’s Day? I spent it at my dream college, Harvard University in the city I call my second home, Boston. I was going to Boston to attend a conference at Harvard University, HPAIR (Harvard Project for Asian and International...

Finding home in another country: Journey to Boston

Finding home in another country: Journey to Boston

I wandered everywhere, through cities and countries wide, and everywhere I went, the world was on my side. No wonder I found my home in another country altogether, where people found time for each other and sat together! You spend your Valentine’s day with the person...

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